My poetry journey

Contessa Edralin
2 min readAug 7, 2021
Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

I am ecstatic right now and it is eleven in the evening as I write this! I was able to retrieve my old blog site which I thought I would never remember how to have back. Lesson learned? Always have backup storage for all your work.

I love the play of words. They can rhyme, be lyrical, structured, or free flow. There is something interesting in poetry, reading between the lines and pondering its meaning.

I guess I have it in me even when I was young that I wanted to pen words. I want my readers to wonder and wander. Come wander in the thoughts in my head and wonder what is in my imagination.

In my primary years, I was part of the school publication. Websites are not as common back then as a school press. So we layout from scratch! Tons of paper were folded, cut images, typed articles are organized for printing to make a magnificent feat of the school newspaper. My role? I was a Literary editor. Sounds cool right? Nah, maybe just for me. Although not everything is my work, I collect submissions from the entire school. And I have always admired how uniquely one can write.

Years passed, my interests have changed and I have less time for writing. Then I had a college professor who inspired me to continue writing. I found a way for self-expression because sometimes the words running in my head would only settle if I was able to pen them. So when I’m inspired to write randomly I just scribble them on notebooks. Since they are scattered that’s when I decided to have a blog site to have them in one place. I don’t have a lot but I wanted a keepsake for my work.

I just started writing again here on a new platform called Medium and I want to share my old site to give you a glimpse of my penned poetry.

So here it goes….way back 2009. Ha! FYI. Some posts are just lyrics of songs because they became favorites at that time.

Check it out on

